FOR Parents 家长专栏
Study Abroad

How is the school condition? How about the food and the dormitory?

How is the school condition? How about the food and the dormitory?

The school is well-equipped. It is with safe campus, good food and comfortable dorm.

There are advanced labs on the campus, four for physics and another four for chemistry.

The library is on the 2nd and the 3rd floors in an area of 1278 sq meter with more than 100,98.00 books and the management is done through computer. Internet covers the whole campus and it is linked with library of Shenzhen University, which is very convenient for students’ access.

Classrooms are equipped with multimedia facilities and the computer room is 24 hours available for students.
In addition, there are many sports facilities that students can access, including the track, badminton court, volleyball yard, standardized basketball court, which are open to students to help them do more physical exercises to make good balance between study and exercise.

The student’s canteen is one of the fifty two A standard student canteen in the city. Expert in nutrition will arrange the food every day for students and the canteen is evaluated as one of the cleanest in all the schools in Shenzhen.

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