News 学校新闻

Mid-term Parents’ Meeting of the School Year 2013-2014

Publisher:管理员        Publication time:2015-05-08

In the afternoon of October 25th, the Affiliated International School of Shenzhen University held the Mid-term Parents’ Meeting of the School Year 2013-2014 in the Round Hall of school, in orderto improve school- parent communication and to inform about the the results of the mid-term examinations.
   The meeting began with a briefing on the mid-term examinations and the students’ learning situation by Ms Linda Liu, the Director of Academic Department. Linda also shared with the parents about the students’ study target of this year, their IELTS、TOEFLE learning, and overseasstudy planning . Later, the director of Student Planning&Affairs Department Kate Liu introducedabout the school’s social activities. She also talked through some education experiences shared by a successful teacher , Mr Wang Jinzhan.
   Afterwards, the parents were guided to different classes for further communications with class supervisors.

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